About kiki:
Welcome to kiki’s blog.
Do you know why I choose kiki as my nickname?
If u do a research of “kiki” in your browser,u will get 18,000,000 results back. Similar results if u try it on any bbs, mail service providers or p2p communication tools.
Well, “simple’ and “not easy to identify” are the main reasons I chose it.
PPl can’t identify a person easily by such a popular name.*^_^* LOL !!!
This is a “kiki” living in the crowed world, but in her own way. *^_^*
One day kiki feel tired to see so many ADs on her msn space and facebook page so she created this site.
kiki’s Schools:
Monash University, Australia
Macquarie University, Australia
University of Lanusanne, Switzerland
Michigan State University, USA
kiki’s Interests:
Travel around the world, drawing and everything related such as make up, photograph.
kiki’s Professional Qualifications:
Financial Planner & CPA